Schedule of Services
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Raleigh is pleased to offer our services online via YouTube. Please consider subscribing to our channel so that you may receive notifications of upcoming service broadcasts.
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Friday, March 14
2nd Salutation to the Theotokos
Service begins at 6:30 PM (watch live)
Sunday, March 16
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
Orthros begins at 8:30 AM, Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM (watch live)
Wednesday, March 19
3rd Presanctified Liturgy
Service begins at 6:00 PM
Friday, March 21
3rd Salutation to the Theotokos
Service begins at 6:30 PM
Sunday, March 23
Sunday of the Holy Cross
Orthros begins at 8:30 AM, Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Tuesday, March 25
Annunciation of the Theotokos
Orthros begins at 9:00 AM, Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM
Wednesday, March 26
4th Presanctified Liturgy
Service begins at 6:00 PM
Friday, March 28
4th Salutation to the Theotokos
Service begins at 6:30 PM
Sunday, March 30
Sunday of St. John Climacus
Orthros begins at 8:30 AM, Divine Liturgy 10:00 AM